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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

One of our largest portable designs that serves as our most popular chamber amongst parents, physicians, celebrities and professional athletes. Enough room for two adults to self-treat simultaneously, the sizeable 32” diametric chamber has complete freedom of movement for patients and maintains our strict and impeccable safety specifications. Strategically angled air-in port and tamper-proof redundant pressure regulators maintains consistent circulatory air flow within the chamber during treatments. The Vitaeris320® is practical and ideal for clinics and homes as the roomy interior provides patients with peace of mind during treatments. Three patient viewing windows illuminate the interior with room light. The spacious design coupled with medical grade technology ensures durability and functionality that will last for years.

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Our Address

123 Anywhere Street
Any City, AA 12345, USA

Consulting Hours

9 to 5 pm on Weekdays
10 to 12 noon on Saturday