In the specialty of Dentistry and Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, hyperbaric therapy accelerates healing and decreases inflammation. In addition, it works synergistically with antibiotics to fight infection and will mobilize stem cells to the injured tissue, allowing it to regenerate and revitalize.
Common conditions where hyperbarics may be helpful include osteoradionecrosis of the jaw (plus its prevention), facial flap healing, nerve injury, dental infections, post-operative pain and swelling, facial infections, and many others.
Hyperbaric therapy has been demonstrated to substantially reduce inflammation throughout the body. It drives increased levels of oxygen into the body, which travels through the plasma, subsequently reducing inflammation and pain, improving long term outcomes, and reducing overall interventions.
Osteoradionecrosis of the Jaw
Mandibular Osteomyelitis
Periodontal Disease
Dental Implants
Mandible Reconstruction
Clinical Use of Hyperbarics in Dentistry Read More
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis- A Retrospective Study and Analysis of Treatment Outcomes Read More